
How To Increase Fingerprint Sensitivity S10

Samsung Galaxy S10+ fingerprint sensor
Samsung Galaxy S10+ fingerprint sensor (Paradigm credit: Andrew Martonik / Android Central)

The Galaxy S10's new in-display fingerprint sensor isn't as fast or consistent as the capacitive sensors nosotros've come to know and beloved. Simply information technology's even so plenty good, and software updates are showing us it can go meliorate over time. But regardless, using the new sensor takes some re-learning in order to make it perform besides as possible. Hither'due south what you tin do to speed up the fingerprint sensor experience on the Galaxy S10.

Pick a screen protector that won't mess with the fingerprint sensor

InvisibleShield Ultra Clear (opens in new tab) ($30 at ZAGG)

InvisibleShield's screen protector carries the "Designed for Samsung" certification, and while information technology's non the tempered glass screen protectors nosotros usually look to InvisibleShield for, the Ultra Clear moving-picture show protectors are shiny, articulate, and case-friendly. They're also easier to install than nigh. The lifetime warranty here is just as tough as e'er, offering replacements if your film ever clouds, tears, or warps.

Whitestone Dome Glass (2-Pack) (opens in new tab) ($70 at Amazon)

Whitestone'due south Dome Drinking glass screen protectors use a UV curing moisture-install system to ensure a secure fit, so far they merits to be the only tempered glass screen protectors that will work with the Galaxy S10'south ultrasonic in-display fingerprint sensor. Whitestone is mighty proud of its products and its pricing reflects that, but it'due south still cheaper than replacing a cleaved screen.

Getting a new telephone is ever an exciting experience. The last thing you want to do when setting up a brand new Milky way S10 is stop and take an inordinate corporeality of time enrolling your fingerprints. But that's exactly what's needed to brand sure y'all get to the best feel using the fingerprint sensor going forward.

Different the terminal-generation fingerprint sensor on the Galaxy S9, you tin't enroll a fingerprint with a single rolling swipe. The Galaxy S10 requires several placements of your pollex, followed by boosted side placements to attempt and capture everything. Follow the prompts closely, don't move your finger quickly, and be sure to consciously enroll as much of the fingerprint as possible through the multiple presses. Give the fingerprint sensor as much data as possible, and it'll come up back in the form of improve recognition later.

Enroll each thumb twice

This is something that produces mixed results for people, but it'south worth giving it a shot if you lot accept fingerprint sensor recognition issues. The Galaxy S10 lets you enroll multiple fingerprint profiles at one time, of form, but nothing says that you can't enroll the same fingerprint twice to increase the amount of coverage you get of the single digit.

Effort enrolling your fingerprint once while holding the phone every bit you lot would throughout the day, and enroll the aforementioned print once more while the phone is sitting apartment on the tabular array or beingness held in a different way. There's a considerable difference in how your thumb contacts the screen when you lot modify your arm and paw angle, and this tin be enough to trip upwardly the fingerprint sensor if you only enroll that print once.

Piece of work on your aim

It's going to accept some training to smash it every fourth dimension.

Dissimilar the latest capacitive sensors, the Milky way S10'south in-display sensor has a relatively depression tolerance for accepting fractional prints. That means it's even more important with this style of sensor to get the bulk of your impress set on the center of the sensor surface area. Even though the training process for the sensor has yous enroll different parts of the fingerprint, it still needs to see a large portion of that impress in society to recognize information technology correctly.

This actually is a muscle memory blazon of matter that takes time to get used to, particularly because there's no physical guide as with a capacitive sensor. The sensor expanse is relatively modest, to the signal where you're virtually likely going to be roofing the entire lit-upwards expanse with your thumb. Try to become the widest portion of your print on the lit area as possible for the best results.

When in doubt, re-teach

After you've used for your phone for a few days or perhaps a couple weeks, yous settle into a groove with how you hold it. The way yous end up picking up your Galaxy S10 to unlock it every day is probably going to exist different from how you held information technology to enroll your fingerprints the first time around — no matter how long you spent on it at the time. And then if after a longer fourth dimension really using the phone in a day-to-twenty-four hours surroundings y'all're still struggling with the fingerprint sensor, it's probably time to wipe out the fingerprints and outset fresh.

The Galaxy S10's fingerprint sensor seems especially sensitive to putting your thumb down at a unlike angle than what you outset taught it. And then now that you have a improve idea of how you concur the phone "commonly," yous tin apply that to education the phone again. Go back through and wipe out your existing prints, and start over while keeping in listen how you lot pick up and concur the phone to unlock it. In that location's a good chance that with several days of muscle memory to rely on, information technology's going to be a different bending for scanning than before.

Andrew was an Executive Editor, U.South. at Android Fundamental between 2022 and 2022.


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